
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Note About Bitcoin by James O'Beirne

submitted by /u/rnvk [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Make Most of the Gains With None of the Stress: Join HODL Gang Today

Seeing a lot of new users asking about how to make some profits with Bitcoin. You’ll find that 98% of Bitcoiners agree, join HODL Gang today. What’s HODL? Simply put, it’s an investing strategy of buying and holding without monitoring trends or otherwise timing the market. Why HODL? For all the reasons you’re here, because Bitcoin is in an immensely bullish position. Also, because the global market for Bitcoin is one of the most opaque markets that has ever existed. Trading in and out of the Bitcoin market is nothing short of gambling for 99.99% of us. When to start your HODL? Today. Consider using Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) by buying a small amount of Bitcoin every day, week, or month. For example, instead of piling in 20K today, go ahead and do 2K each month for the next ten months. Why DCA? Because it gives you time to learn and to build confidence. Bitcoin corrections are painful for investors who lack confidence. Many will sell a panic floor because they are unable to believ

Best thing about Bitcoin is it trades 24/7/365. There is no waiting for markets to open and it makes stock trading look like a legacy platform.

Stocks and shares trading happens at a snail pace in comparison. News get released at the end of the trading day to let the market adjust before trading restarts. Bitcoin reacts in real time to news and adjusts, this means it is more volition but it is real time sentiment. This also means it is a lot more engaging, IMHO. submitted by /u/hendnova212 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Liquidating all assets to invest

Okay I’ve been DCAing into bitcoin for 3 years now and I think I want to liquidate all assets to invest into bitcoin...thoughts on this? submitted by /u/Sea_Farmer_1823 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Another submission for the Satoshi symbol (direct image link in the comments)

submitted by /u/DankLard [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Be careful of Scam bitcoin Qr code generator websites

When I google “bitcoin qr code”, the very first result that shows up for me is this website: It’s a scam. When you put your btc address and click the button to generate a qr code, it actually creates a fake qr code that directs to the scammer’s wallet, instead of your address. I almost fell for it today, but luckily I doubled checked the address before sending. I also read a recent article saying there’s a network of scam sites like this. So be careful How can we report this to google? submitted by /u/sipping_mai_tais [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Where can I find citibank's leaked report for BTC hitting 318k by the end of 2021?

I see articles posted about it, but I wanted to see the actual report. Where can I find this? submitted by /u/zenit27 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

₿ecoming my own ₿ank! Good₿ye C₿ pro!

​ submitted by /u/Mari0805 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Gary Vee on Barstool Sports talking about Bitcoin 😂

submitted by /u/SwissCheezee [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

jackma said bitcoin is foam how do u think?

submitted by /u/lawrencechong93 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Guggenheim Fund Files to Be Able to Invest Up to Almost $500M in Bitcoin Through GBTC

submitted by /u/ProductDude [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Proud Son Moment

Today I finally talked my dad (almost 70) into getting into BTC. He just ordered a hardware wallet and ColdTI plates to backup his seed on. We talked about it all the time, but now he said he will be starting to buy each week or month. I have been constantly reminding him to NEVER enter the seed words into a computer..... EVER, and to keep large sums off of the exchanges. submitted by /u/eld101 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Guggenheim opens door to bitcoin exposure for $5 billion macro fund via Grayscale GBTC product

submitted by /u/StevenRad [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

No-coiner tries to use a wallet - we have a long way to go!

submitted by /u/latnyogaboi [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Raoul pal on bitcoin

submitted by /u/Bartholomew_schnabel [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

The Battle For World Reserve Currency

submitted by /u/BITCOINMOVIECLIPS [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Here's to 13 years on Reddit🍻

submitted by /u/0rbytal [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

I liked the idea of the old school S for the Satoshi. So here is my contribution.

submitted by /u/PterF [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

What will happen to bitcoin once people start to barely get rewarded for mining??

The blockchain is supported by miners, but every day we continually reach a point where mining becomes less rewarding. Although there will obviously be people still mining, how are we supposed to have everyone using a decentralized system that has little incentive to mine quickly? I’d love to be bullish on bitcoin, but this thought just came into my head the other day. Does anyone know of the solution to how to maintain a steady blockchain without bitcoin transactions becoming more centralized? Or changing the protocol to add more BTC? Thank you for any response! submitted by /u/max_peterson_17 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Industry Pros Weigh In on Rumors of New Crypto Wallet Regs

submitted by /u/Uberse [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet


submitted by /u/BITCOINMOVIECLIPS [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Chinese Police Seize 1% of Bitcoin’s Total Supply - Decrypt

submitted by /u/atrueretard [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

A question Do you people trust your wife with your bitcoins and share with her all info about your purchase and private keys or you keep bitcoins as a secret?

submitted by /u/iTziSteal [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Can you buy Bitcoin without exchanges?

submitted by /u/emperor-penguin- [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Dumbass new investor looking for help

I’ve ordered a digital wallet and have been suggested to use coin base ... I get the concept of bitcoin and the major risks involved and want to start dollar cost averaging in ... However the idea of cashing out some horrifying ? Websites breaking down or not paying out ... what’s the safest way to go here . I’ve been suggested to use coinbase I’m located in Canada submitted by /u/nuttydave127 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

If you’re in this for real, you know that conditions have never better. BTFD.

submitted by /u/ProvBroker [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Canada-Listed Investment Firm Sells All Its Ether, Monero to Buy More Bitcoin

submitted by /u/WyattMacgregor [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

PayPal next moves will show it's brilliance

tl;dr PayPal's closed ecosystem for Bitcoin will finally make using Bitcoin for purchases a reality by allowing Bitcoin to be used on millions of merchants' sites and simplify tax reporting by PayPal issuing 1099-B forms for those purchases. I used to buy stuff with Bitcoin but it was such a pain in the ass to report every purchase on my taxes. There are a bunch of people that are anti-IRS in the Bitcoin community and don't feel like people are obligated to report to the IRS their purchases using Bitcoin. I don't want to debate that. Let's assume every purchase that a person makes with Bitcoin needs to be reported on form 8949. When a person buys on exchanges like coinbase, binance, etc, those exchanges are an open eco-system. Once a bitcoin leaves those exchanges, those exchanges don't know what happens to those bitcoins(for the most part). So, those exchanges can't automate your tax filings. PayPal has setup a closed eco-system where they know a person&

Psychedelic Space Rock - Travel Dos a mash up for the rocket ride to the moon

submitted by /u/alhardy [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

It’s an old saying but...

If you can’t handle btc’s 20% swings; you don’t deserve its 1000% gains. Weak hands are for altcoins and day trading. Hodlers hodl. And thus reap the rewards. 2017 was about lambos. 2021 will be about countries. submitted by /u/parrire [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Very insightful talk with Michael Saylor why he bought and believes in Bitcoin

submitted by /u/InfinityLife [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Billionaire Bill Pulte talking about how there’s 30 or so billionaires with BTC positions who haven’t come out publicly to announce yet

submitted by /u/Hotsushiking [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Thankful for Bitcoin

Getting towards the end of thanksgiving here on the east coast of the US, but just want to say that I am so thankful for bitcoin. Not only has it brought me so much wealth in a young age, but it has in total just allowed me to see the world from such a different perspective. I really believe in bitcoin and the better world that will come with it. Thanks guys! submitted by /u/sploosh123456 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin owes its life to HODL Gang

Recently, a lot of attention has been credited to institutional investors for fueling our ride to $19,000. These institutions have finally recognized Bitcoin as a store of value. Individuals like you, who HODL’d through the last boon and bust are the reason BTC works as a store of value. Ya’ll proved, through your hard work and dedication, that there will always be a floor price for BTC, that there will always be a regular person willing to trade some of their hard work to support the network. The value of a currency is most importantly in the belief of the people whom adopt it, our shared dream and our persistence has been and will continue to be the soul of Bitcoin. submitted by /u/ChTender [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Why you scared, BTC? You know you want 20k

HODLing submitted by /u/realhermitthelog [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

USA Regulation Regarding Self-Hosted Crypto Wallets

submitted by /u/BitcoinBroccoli [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Michael Saylor CEO of MicroStrategy Talks Bitcoin as a Treasury Asset on CNBC - November 25th 2020

submitted by /u/Fiach_Dubh [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Saylor educating CNBC submitted by /u/daijorobu [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

To the moon please

submitted by /u/janieboro [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Looks like Bitcoin’s Black Friday sales is starting up

submitted by /u/concretetummy [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Institutional Karma - Bitcoin Strikes Back!

Enjoying a glass of celebratory whiskey, watching the Bitcoin price action. I notice the price touched 19,400$ then dropped... bounce to 19,340$ then drop... finding support made less than a week ago. It made me smile. Why you may wonder? It crossed my mind, I can’t wait for this rally to drive another 50% higher, only to pull back 30%. Seeing the institutional side panic as their leveraged futures plunge. They will learn the lessons many of us long term crypto investors learnt during the last few years! Crypto is volatile, HODL your keys and be happy with 20x from spot prices. If your reading this now, your likely averaged in far below this point. Hold strong, trade, buy the dip but don’t sell with another 2 years of bull market cycle to go! Hold the spot crypto whatever that is, ride your favourite altcoins projects to highs never seen before and take profits into the main store of wealth - BITCOIN. I couldn’t help smile, as this future scenario not too far away comes closer. I’ll b

Bitcoin Boating Accident by @BitcoinUltras

submitted by /u/rnvk [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

U.S. Treasury and Secretary Mnuchin propose Regulation of private Crypto Wallets 😮

submitted by /u/abercrombezie [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin is a beautiful project that makes the world a better place.

If any developer from Bitcoin core or anyone who has helped develop Bitcoin reads this, THANK YOU 🙏 submitted by /u/idontlikepeoplemuch5 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin is a "bubble"? Bubbles only pop once. Bitcoin is waves.

submitted by /u/simplelifestyle [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

They spelled BTC wrong...

submitted by /u/MoMoMemes [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

"All the big hitters in the hedge fund world are coming out to endorse bitcoin now; it is entering the realm of the mainstream."

submitted by /u/BrandyVine [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

BTC is not supposed to be for buying cups of coffee. Just like you wouldn't try and buy coffee with a 1oz American Gold Eagle.

Thoughts? submitted by /u/lonelycatcarrot [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Hitler missed the train

submitted by /u/At0m11c [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

My proposal for the satish symbol, still looks like the old school ‘S’, it’s quick and easy to write and it has 8 points representing 1 sat being in the eighth decimal place of 1 bitcoin

submitted by /u/denzelfrothington [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Reminder to be nice to the new wave of newbies

With the current price closing in on the ATH. I would expect a new wave of people coming in to this subreddit. Lots of 'dumb' questions will be asked. Lots of people will come here for FOMO. Some questions are real, while others are just trolls. There will be confusion between BTC and BCH for the new guys given the names of it's websites and subreddits etc. Let's remember to be nice and steer these guys in the right direction and welcome these new wave of people. submitted by /u/yukeiw [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Jim Cramer: “It’s not too late for Bitcoin...”

submitted by /u/iyghisutsvsususg [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

A little feel good video for the Bull Run, enjoy!

submitted by /u/Julius_Civ_III [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

After 3 years downtrend, this bump feels too much. But remember 2017. We are just at the begin.

All of us have this feeling now. Is this real? When do we go back down? We are far too high. We all have this feeling, because we had 3 years of a downtrend. We do not know anything else. Remember end 2016 and 2017. There were price bumps of 20-30% every week the whole year with just tiny downs. We just do not know how it feels, when the next cycle kicks in. We seem to be there now and we have to learn this bumps are real and they are normal in this bullish time. submitted by /u/InfinityLife [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet


I totally apologize if this has been super redundant, but it's totally necessary. If you want to hold long term and if you don't trade, get your coins out of exchanges ASAP ; and learn how to secure your coins. Especially now that we're pretty much more than $1k away from ATH, hackers and scammers will be A LOT more active . submitted by /u/MostPalone- [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

What is your favorite BTC gambling platform?

Apart from going x20 long with leverage, what is your favorite bookie? I've been using Nitrogen but I want a new one. Please only personal recommendations :) submitted by /u/danieljin1234 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

IRS Warns Crypto Investors They Under-Reported Gains...but billionaires are too complicated to pursue because of lack of resources. #Priorities

submitted by /u/monoclemoney [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

If I send BTC to someone, can he then find out how much BTC I have in my wallet?

Hey fellow BTC HODLers, please help me out. I have been reading articles like crazy in the last hour but still I didn't find a definite answer. So here it goes: Suppose I have 5 BTC in my Trezor wallet on Account No. 1. (If only... 😄) I decide to take some profits in fiat to which end I transfer 1 BTC to an exchange's address. Would this exchange then, after recieving the 1 BTC from me be able to see my whole balance on Account No. 1? If yes, how could I avoid this? I've read some articles about bitcoin mixing but isn't there any simpler method? What if I created a second account in my Trezor wallet for spendings only and before every outgoing transaction I would transfer the respective amount of satoshis from my main "HODLing Account" to my Spending Account? Would this circumvent the problem or could the recieving party still trace back my main account and therefore find out my total balance? Thank you very much for your answers! submitted by /u/m

Janet Yellen chosen as next Treasury Secretary. Buy Bitcoin

​ submitted by /u/ohnoh18 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

for everyone saying paypal is the only way to get (insert relative) to buy bitcoin..

so mom buys bitcoin on pp. the price goes up. way up. mom gets more interested, starts doing her own research. decides she wants to actually own her bitcoin, buys a hardware wallet. now she’s gotta sell, wire that money to a real exchange, buy an actual bitcoin.. and she’s triggered a taxable event and owes the gov’t a fat sum despite still hodling! if i was your mom.. id be pissed. friends dont let friends buy pp coin. they teach them about cashapp or any other easy to use service that lets you withdraw, and when they are ready, they teach them about not your keys, not your coins. we all want adoption but its not worth letting people be scammed. submitted by /u/uxeen [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

All this heat, heavy lifting, and validating just to consume some UTXO's and create new ones. Add another +1 for BTC. (Fun to watch, though.)

submitted by /u/Subfolded [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Unboxing The Blockclock Mini - Bitcoin Hardware - Made by Coinkite - November 23th 2020

submitted by /u/Fiach_Dubh [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Can we please do this one instead?

submitted by /u/Yung-Split [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

1 million dollars‼️

submitted by /u/Kieron-L-Foster [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

My contribution to legitimizing "the s-thing"

submitted by /u/Si1entStill [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Can I get a discount on bitcoin if I buy it used?

submitted by /u/SoundofCreekWater [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin was crazy when the world was normal and now that the world is crazy, Bitcoin seems normal.

submitted by /u/dan_held [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

We've been trained to believe that currency MUST devalue for a nation to function

What a load of horse-shit! Savers should be rewarded for not spending frivolously and putting the nation into debt! We live in a fucking BIZARRO-WORLD where everything is backwards. Bitcoin is a semblance of sanity in a world of insane people. The price of Bitcoin has the potential to increase day after day with no need to ever lose value or "correct". submitted by /u/SuicideIsSoSexyRrrrr [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Second Highest Weekly Close in BTC's History!

We have just closed the weekly candle a few minutes ago. The weekly close marked the second highest closed in BTC's history. ​ submitted by /u/Mari0805 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

How can I get bitcoin from Africa

I'm looking for an easy way to buy bitcoin from Africa (Sierra Leone) using PayPal. It's proving almost impossible for me to do it at the minute. submitted by /u/compsciyr1 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

When people tell me to sell BTC...

submitted by /u/Mari0805 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

I heard we're now using the 'S thing' to respresent a Satoshi. I'm no artist but here's my attempt.

submitted by /u/ambitiouslyawful-dev [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

We are Facing a Massive Bitcoin Supply Shortage in the Market | PayPal, CashApp, and GrayScale Buying

submitted by /u/au785 [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

This is how I've been feeling lately.

submitted by /u/Julius_Civ_III [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Attention NEW Bitcoiners: Security tips to get you started.

Hi, everyone With the large influx of new Bitcoiners I thought I would share some basic security measures. Please feel free to add your input and suggest others! Never Share your recovery phrase with anyone!!!! Place your recovery phrase in a secure place Use a hardware wallet (not your keys not your coin) Don't expose how much Bitcoin you have... to anyone Never invest more than you can afford to lose Always review the address you are sending bitcoin to (your clipboard could be compromised) Continuously educate yourself on why you are buying/have bought Bitcoin. This is a brief overview of how you can be more secure. If you have any questions on the above bullet points, please feel free to ask for clarification! -The Bitcoin Dude submitted by /u/The_Bitcoin_Dude [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Started my Crypto Journey Today

As of this morning I officially own BitCoin, who knew something that will take years and years to become worth it is so exciting. I bought in .1 Bitcoin and am planning on doing a DCA Investment Strategy every week. With Bitcoin expectations in the coming 5 years, I am ready to have a love hate relationship with this investment. See you on the the moon folks! submitted by /u/Silence_of_the_LAN [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

btc hologram by me

submitted by /u/fraktalityworld [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin is now only $5 billion behind J.P. Morgan by market cap!

Bitcoin is now only $5 billion behind J.P. Morgan by market cap! Top 10 soon? submitted by /u/mansoortaken [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

My big bitcoin

submitted by /u/fraktalityworld [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Video of what happened to bitcoin in 2018

submitted by /u/OutstandingWeirdo [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Again That Time Of The Year...

submitted by /u/tvdor [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

I got .1 bitcoin at 12,000 and I have been buying 200 dollars more at every new YTD high each time I check rhe price. I am now up to .23 bitcoin. Hopefully on my way to 1.

submitted by /u/MeanTimeMeTime [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Pierre Poilievre ask some very uncomfortable questions about the current governments printing spree.

submitted by /u/dailyicedcoffee [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

who's here watching the live breach of the 19K sell wall!

submitted by /u/heptagon_h [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin is now the world's largest "bank"

submitted by /u/pandoira [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin right now

submitted by /u/BitcoinIsDigitalGold [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin Approaches $19,000 as True Believers Look to Record High (Bloomberg)

submitted by /u/nelsonokc [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

CNN Business Put Out an Article on Bitcoin, Is the FOMO Starting?

submitted by /u/emperor-penguin- [link] [comments] from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet