We are near the end of early adoption

I'm not a person that came out ahead when it comes to crypto. Unfortunately, my dumb ass did some stupid shit and lost it all in a fire, so what I have is pretty minimal compared to what I've had.

With that said, I've been in the crypto game since late 2013. In that time, there was much discussion on the tech, not the price. There were still discussions on the price, but small in comparison.

I recall that I could bring up the topic with others, and they never heard the word Bitcoin, sometimes they did. I managed to enlighten some, and was called bad words indirectly by others (they would say things like overthrow the government, criminals, drugs, etc.). But a majority of the time, they never heard the word.

Over years, I've tried to educate those around me of the technology and pass on the new paradigm and how to view money. Btw, YouTube Bitcoin scishow for a decent primer on Bitcoin. That would be my homework I'd give most, then I'd break into deeper topics such as push/pull transactions, keys are just a number in an astronomical range, hashing, block headers being chained into another block by hashing, etc.

It was rare for me to find another into crypto. Over the years it became a few per year that even heard of it. Now, at my new job site, five out of seven have something or are planning to have it or are wanting to learn more. I run across others that have in the hundreds of thousands worth, to just over a thousand worth.

The point I'm making is, if I were to base adoption by the number of people that have heard of it, it's gone from near none to almost everyone, there's still the odd ball. Get that, if they haven't heard of it, they're the odd ball. But if I based the adoption on the number of people I witness that are interested in it or have some, from back then to now. Omg, we've hit adoption.

But get this. Most get excited, then talk over me with excitement, saying how they've heard of others getting rich so they want in. Very few are interested in the tech, but in get rich quick. I enjoy watching some gain more interest and start quoting me on how it works, but since we aren't in the stage of understanding, we are still a smidge early.

Many years ago, I was told by another, it is their greed that gets them in, then it's their understanding that keeps them in, that they'll gain understanding as they start to research the tech so they can play the market better. In short, greed buys their attention, and greed drives the start of their education.

This is the phase we are in right now.
Greed. Next comes paradigm shift.

submitted by /u/Qewbicle
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet https://ift.tt/2RBc1jM


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