I had an epiphany...

I've been in crypto for over 5 years. Either buying, selling, HODLing, swing trading, mining, staking or whatever else you can do with it. I have also been active in the stock market. Buying, selling, options...you name it. Added to that, I have more than a few rental properties so I'm not exactly new to real estate. I've spent quite a bit of time lurking in the bitcoin and cryptocurrency subreddits as well as the options, stocks, wallstreetbets and yes, even GME subreddits.

After having spent so much time in those subreddits, it hit me like a ton of bricks today...

The whole financial system is broken.

It is a rigged and broken system that heavily favors those that already have the money and power.

I know you guys and gals probably already knew that, or at least suspected. I fall in that suspected category of people, but I never really put much thought into it. I just figured that I would work hard and try to do enough so that I could take care of my family and have a decent retirement.

I honestly think that the system is so broken and crooked it will eventually collapse in on itself. At the very least, the 99% will be so oppressed that there will be nothing left to do than to go after the 1%. That is not a world that I want to me or my family to be a part of.

Cryptocurrency solves all of this!

Cryptocurrency levels the playing field. ANYONE can get ahead in life with cryptocurrency. There are many great projects out there that fill the need that the current financial system is controlling (real estate, savings, buying goods and services, transportation, medicine, security, etc.) and it's all DECENTRALIZED. With cryptocurrency, no one person or entity controls those aspects of your life.

I'm sooooo close to actually dumping everything I own into those crypto projects that could take the power away from those that corrupt the system.

Ok. I've put my tinfoil hat away and I'm done rambling. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/asdfredditusername
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet https://ift.tt/3xqZBvg


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