Coins moved from address 1MbtH87mjZXXFuMpuuHy2xfP31MiTiB1HL

Message to the owner of funds once stored on address 1MbtH87mjZXXFuMpuuHy2xfP31MiTiB1HL. You have used a guessable password to secure your coins (brainwallet; passphrase starts with "in"), so I have moved the coins to a secure address bc1q7zqu8yyn48az0aayakxuhmphtnfy3rm4m4r36h.

If you still own the private key to your address you can contact me and I will send the funds back to you. Send me an email to my contact email address 6b2b26bb7a08f6255381fe6100f6662a291ff488cd3e2f8056af46f930dec317

My contact email address has been encrypted with AES encryption and you can decrypt it with your Private Key WIF (the one that starts with "5Kbg"). A short manual how to decrypt the contact email address:

  • use an online service like
  • encrypted text: 6b2b26bb7a08f6255381fe6100f6662a291ff488cd3e2f8056af46f930dec317
  • Input text format: HEX
  • Mode: ECB
  • Key size in bits: 256
  • Secret Key: first 32 characters of your Private Key WIF (the one that starts with "5Kbg")

I will be checking my contact email box once a month.

submitted by /u/Traditional_Fudge833
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet


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