I sat to calculate to find out no one who bought Bitcoin in last 4 years magically may have gotten rich today, They deserved this...

So let's say if you bought Bitcoin at $3k in 2017 Your money is now 20x more than what you invested. We all know the term Rich applies to numbers a lot higher than these... Like 1000x and up.

Some non bitcoiners or newbies think people who have Bitcoin are lucky. But we are not really. We all invested and risked our investments. Bitcoin is no magic. it just the best investment of century. bitcoin Holders deserve it. we've gone through a lot of ups and down. It's just like any other investment, there's still a lot of rooms for new comers.

The lucky term only applies to few people who Bought/mined bitcoin from 2014 and before that and it happened that they've forgotten about it and now found their wallets. cuz most of them still seen enough Highs to sell...

But even with them, i'd say they deserved it too, because they got into this technology so early.

submitted by /u/SEAR_ME
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet https://ift.tt/3dfrkpO


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