Bitcoin - April

April has traditionally been a very very good month for bitcoin. Here are the growth percentage since bitcoin’s inception.

April growth percentage:

2011 - 346%

2012 - 1.1%

2013 - 48.2%

2014 - (-)1.4%

2015 - (-)3.4%

2016 - 8.2%

2017- 27.8%

2018 - 33.3%

2019 - 28.6%

2020 - 34.5%

2021 -

As you can see the last 4 years have been on average 30% growth with only 2 negative years in 2014 and 2015 and very low. Which would put bitcoin right around $72,000 by the end of April. I’m personally predicting bitcoin to close April somewhere between $68k - $74k.

Edit: Not only that, but for this cycle we have closed the next month in the next 10k range. Where as


Dec - $28k

Jan. - $35k

Feb. - $43k

Mar. - probably $56k - $58k

Apr. - ???

submitted by /u/EvilZeroSc
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet


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