Talk me out of it

Throwaway for obvious reasons. My family is living in a small house in a crowded city. We want more space. I happen to be sitting on a bit of bitcoin. The exact amount doesn't matter.

If you could sell 8% of your bitcoin to buy a couple hundred acres of land, would you do it? I really wanted to wait until around $30k to start selling chunks of bitcoin to finance an off grid home. But life has thrown a few curveballs and my family needs more space sooner than later. While I firmly believe that bitcoin will be at least 3x in a year from now, having land that we own outright would carry an enormous value. It would allow us to start planning the build for our future home. I should also add that the wife really wants me to get this property. If bitcoin moons, I will have missed out on hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. But on the other hand, if that happens, the remainder of my stash will be worth a literal fortune. So, should I do it? Should I part with 8% to make the wife happy and have that peace of mind?

submitted by /u/ozarkhomestead
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from Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet


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