BTC, a response to the Cartel and the necessity of DeFi
Finding my legs in the Crypto sphere has been a wild ride to say the least. Watching BTC in particular drive up to its ATH was incredibly exciting for an anarcho-capitalist like me. I am not "allowed" to judge people as to why they are interested or invested in crypto, it is also an exercise in futility because in my opinion anybody invested/interested in BTC/Crypto are my allies. Allies in a fight against the central banks of the world - and the cartel.
Call me paranoid, but I have seen what the central banks are capable of. For me it began in 2008 or so when I saw the govt. and politics doing things that were against my interests. Upon investigation I learned what the FED was and seemingly what their agenda was. A really great animated short presents their 100+ years of existence and history before the FED was created, which can allow the observer/investor/enlightened a more macro perspective into why I think BTC and Cryptocurrencies were created. The video can be found here.
Two dimensionally we can see that the banking cartel are clearly not created for our best interest. I assert the banking cartel were created to control the money supply thereby limiting "peasant's" access to real assets in this world - controlling our lives, treating us like cattle. What crop are they harvesting? Our life force, our souls, our ability to create wealth. Do not sell humans short for an instant. We are capable of incredible feats, however, leashed like a broken horse we are now tools for the masters to reap financial benefits of our work/labor/intelligence/beauty/etc. The banking system, the diamond cartel in Africa, the enforcement through the military industrial complex are all a part of The Cartel.
The Cartel is extremely developed and they have another language for how they speak about world events. What we hear in this world is not the world as they know it. In the words of George Carlin:
It's a big club, and you ain't in it.
You will never be in it, and you better be damn sure they will kill people to ensure that they keep the club open. That is what the military industrial complex does for the cartel. Try to think of the cartel as a hydra. One head tends to political enforcement and squelches dissent (look at what is happening in Hong Kong), another head tends to financial enforcement not allowing the people to build wealth (see the FED). The more wealth people have- the more power people have, and the less they do; and they can't have that. The more power we as a population have, the less the enforcers have, and a next logical step forward would be prosecution of these corrupted heads of enforcement.
Now, after listening to market sentiment lately I hear a lot of people stressed about the recent dip in price. I think psychologically we are meant to feel this way by design. There is a great article that goes a little more in depth about crypto market manipulation and the CME, however, the main takeaway I found was this quote:
As price keeps dropping people start despising the asset. See what happened to Gold and Silver since 2011. The more it dropped the more people hated it. Many Gold bugs sold precious metals at the bottom and switched over to Bitcoin and Crypto (when it was at the top.) This exactly what “they” want the retail investor to do as “they” collect more of it at the lower prices.
Psychologically speaking, the financial industry as it is designed circa 1913-2008 has been a slow and steady blood letting of the population. They may stick only one needle and tube into your body but over a lifetime they will harvest an incredible amount of "energy" (money, resources, life-force) from just one individual .. also include trans-generational population control.
This is why bitcoin was created.
It was to free the people from this highly tuned machine that is consuming the souls of everybody you know. The sheer amount of on-chain data available and still being realized about the crypto markets (as now studied by Willy Woo and others) is likely tantamount to the data credit card companies are privy to. The cartel has generations of data with which to study and strategize their next enforcement campaign. We in the still very immature age of DeFi are only JUST discovering what we don't know.
We barely know: what we don't know..
This is why people are afraid of BTC/Crypto right now. This is why trolls and enemies and the unenlightened try to psychologically kill BTC/Crypto in the mind - it is a literal programming. It is a big machine and you and I are a cog, they are the driver. The beauty is, we have an instrument to finally break out of this prison of the soul. There will only ever be 21 million BTC, and after that value appreciates via the stock-to-flow ratio, that value will expand and follow paths of least resistance likely into a full fledged developed DeFi infrastructure - as the plan is laid out now. How and when we get there depends on many factors, but the most important concept for the people right now are faith, reassurance, and hard work.
Faith behind the idea of Crypto, reassurance that BTC/Crypto is not dead, and hard work behind the technology that will enforce a free world of tomorrow decoupled from the cartel and their toxic system that sucks the soul out of people.
I am excited about Pax Gold and even the possibility of staking the coin on a wallet earning compound interest. We are nearing a new age of banking/finance where the micro percents skimmed off the top are yours to keep. Every time I think of a social security number I think of a bar-code and ledger accounting for all the wealth the elites have harvested from a single person. I would assert people in 2019 create virtually $1,000,000 or more of value through out their lifetime (adjusted for inflation of course, trollol) that is recycled into the system via the matrix of financial control and enforcement.
Unrelated: This video gives a great update on where I think we are from a macro psychological perspective and gives good general insight on global adoption.
Countries like Africa are seeking the solution of Blockchain and BTC and Crypto, Brazil is considering adding BTC and ETH as a form of reserve currency. Stay frosty and HODL on .. were in for a wild ride.
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