The Uniswap community is voting on its second-ever governance proposal to distribute 5 million governance tokens to users who interacted with the DEX via a third-party platform. The second-ever governance proposal for the Uniswap decentralized exchange ( DEX ) is more than halfway to reaching a quorum with a little over 30 hours to go. If passed, the proposal will see 12,619 wallet addresses that interacted with Uniswap via a proxy contract receive 400 UNI tokens each. 5.05 million UNI in total will be allocated to the users of MyEtherWallet, Argent, Dharma, DeFi Saver, Nuo, Eidoo, Opyn, Furucombo, Monolith, and Rebalance. The proposal was put forward by Compound-based lending and savings protocol Dharma, who claimed its users felt “left out” by the initial distribution. The cohort of proxies were chosen due to them being “less programmatically accessible,” suggesting “a lower likelihood of multiple addresses per end-user.” “The Phase determination was made based on how easy it ...